
ph360 is the world's first personalised health platform that measures gene expression - all that is uniquely YOU!

It takes the guesswork out of the oversaturated health industry, so you don't need to test every new fitness craze or health fad that comes along, but will learn what actually is best for YOU physically, mentally and emotionally. From the types of food to eat, the exercise that is best for your body type (HIIT is not for everyone!!), through to helping you understand your best sleep patterns and most effective ways to manage stress at home and in the workplace.

It analyses 10,000 data points and 500 ratios to advise YOU on how to keep YOUR genes "as happy as possible". ph360 changes as you (or your environment) do, providing up to date information to keep you in the best health possible.

All of this information can be accessed through a simple, non-invasive assessment in 45 minutes, and an app for your smartphone that provides you with around the clock personalised health support.

Still unsure?

Why not take a quick 3-minute free test to get a taste for what ph360 is all about!!

Ready to start the journey? Send me a message and let's get started!

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